Monday, February 23, 2009

We Must Be Doing Something Right!

To clarify from my last post about Kris' message from last week, I'm not saying that whatever he said was truth. My point was that he made some really good words of truth. But he also said some things that were questionable. Kris said himself that we need to question if we believe what he says is truth. He even went to the point where at lunch time (noon) he spend another HALF HOUR answering questions that we had about the words he said. So I'm not saying that the things that I wrote about him were truth. He just made us question what we really believe. It was such a growing week because of that!

This weekend I went to a place that is famous to the natives here called Waipio Valley. This valley was one of the seven valleys that Hawaii has, and must I say that God is incredibly majestic and beautiful. His power is incomprehensible. We took a hike down the steepest hill in Hawaii, and maybe even America, down to the valley. Then we took a 1.5 mile hike into the valley to our prize at the end: a gorgeous waterfall! I have hiked many times in my life, and this hike has definitely been the toughest. It was a trail that does not have a set in path, so we were rock climbing and slipping through mud to get to the end. There were many places where we had to wade through the water to our necks up stream with our packs above our heads just to get to another area were we could continue. It was pretty intense, must I say! About half way there I slipped on a wet rock wearing not the best traction shoes. I just watched my leg swell up and just had to bite it the rest of the hike. We ate lunch at the waterfall and it was FREEZING! After swimming in the water by the falls and through the waterfall, and the temperature being like 10-15 degrees colder, we all felt sick! But starting back, we warmed up quickly. The hike back was so much shorter, at least it felt like it. And now days later I am still suffering not being in shape and sore in the weirdest places on my body!

Sunday happened to be one of my best friend, Kaycee's birthday and we went out in the afternoon to Childrens beach to learn how to surf. Our professional teacher, Luke :) gave us a lesson on the beach, and since it was Kaycee's birthday she went out and tried to catch some waves. She was out for a while and didn't seem to catch much. When she and Luke came back in, they said it really was not worth me going out to try because there was no surf anymore! Instead we took a rain check and I just went out on the board and paddled around. But soon I'll learn soon!

This week we have the most amazing speaker for our Justice class ever! He is Samoan and now a local in Hawaii. He is talking about the father heart of God. He took his daughter in and they greeted us all with leis and the daughter danced a Hawaiian hula dance! He highly favors his children, and it was really cool to see on the first day how God is going to work in us this week! Can't wait!

After my day today I have realized that the devil is trying to do some crazy, awful work here on base. We must be doing something right because there have been so many attacks of distractions and temptations recently. I mean, even to the point here where there has been talk about people giving questioning if they made the right decision by coming here thinking that it might be better to just go home before outreach. How awful can the devil twist our minds to think in certain ways! Please pray that those who are struggling with this are able to receive a revelation of who God is and to put the devil in his place!

Finally, please continue to keep me and the rest of the people here on base in your prayers as we diligently seek out God's will with our lives after outreach.

Thank you all so much and God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Aww...I am sad to hear you didn't get to surf. Hopefully soon! Your hike sounds and looks amazing! I don't know if you could top a hike like that. You looked so cold though. I believe with all my heart that Satan is trying to defeat you guys. Hazak!!! You guys are just past the middle point of DTS and Satan knows when and how to get at someone when they are weary. We will pray against any stronghold that he is in and that God protects each one of your minds and hearts.
    Love you. Keep up your passion! <3 Mom
